H4DC_PhD_Job Advert
Yncréa Hauts-de-France, a non-profit higher education group founded in 1885, trains engineers in more than 50 sectors: construction, IT, electronics, mechanics, energy, chemistry, medical technologies, robotics, agriculture, foodtech, finance, entrepreneurship.
With more than 4600 students enrolled in HEI, ISA and ISEN engineering graduate schools, over 400 employees, a network of more than 27,000 alumni, campuses in Lille, Châteauroux, Nîmes, Rabat (Morocco), two partner schools ISEN Brest and ISEN Toulon, Yncréa Hauts-de-France is a leader in engineering education in Europe: more than 400 partnerships with international universities, more than 2,500 business partnerships. Yncréa Hauts-de-France carries out 3 main activities: training, research and transfer / expertise to the economic world and is recognized for its know-how in innovation and trans-disciplinary approaches to management and technology
Yncréa Hauts-de-France is recruiting for its ISA Lille establishment, a engineering school that train senior executives in agriculture, agri-food, environment and landscape, in initial and apprenticeship training and that carry out research and expertise activities for companies and the economic world,
Yncréa Hauts-de-France is recruting a Doctoral Researcher on a PhD scholarship dedicated to “Development of a microsystem to study the Cryptosporidium Parasite”.
This position is funded by an Interreg-2-Seas project (H4DC) which includes partners from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK. As the only French Academic Partner, Yncrea/ CNRS/IEMN are in charge of developing a microsystem to study the Cryptosporidium parasite.
The PhD Student will be recruited by the YNCREA group but will work in the IEMN (Institute for Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology) laboratory as a member of the BioMEMS research team.
Missions :
The aim of this thesis will be to develop an electrical microsystem enabling the study of the parasite using electrical impedance microscopy. This new tool will be used to understand the parasite, screen for anti-parasitic drugs and study the influence of the host’s microbiome on the parasite life cycle.
The candidate’s work will take place at the interface of biology and electronics. It will require cell biology tasks (in an L2 lab) as well as microfabrication ones (in a cleanroom). The candidate will be trained on either depending on his/her initial training.
The PhD candidate will be registered at the University of Lille, in the “Engineering Sciences” doctoral school and will be on TNCREA payroll.
Profiles : Two types of candidates are encouraged to apply:
- Either with a master degree in electronics, microsystems or microfluidics with a strong interest in biology,
- Or with a master in biology, cell biology and a strong interest in microsystems and microfabrication.
In both cases we are looking for:
- A solid academic track record,
- experience in micro-fabrication or cell culture.
- Good programming skills (python or labview) or a first experience in an L2 biology labwould be advantageous.
- Curious and motivated.
- Ability to work rigorously with pathogenic parasites .
- Motivated to work in a interdisciplinary environment.
This position is open to candidates with a research focused Master 2 in Cell biology/parasitology or in Microelectronics and microsystems.
36 months full time contract – Pay grade according to profile and experience – Start date : September 2019
For any questions, please contact : jerome.follet@yncrea.fr
Please send a CV + motivation lettre (with potential references) to : recrutement.hautsdefrance@yncrea.fr