Localisation of the projet’s main partners
The project H4DC is integrated in Interreg 2 Seas, a European Territorial Cooperation Programme covering England, France, the Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders).
It’s financed by European Union and by the European Regional Development Fund.
It involves 7 main partners across the 2 seas area.
Problems of outbreaks in farms, such as those related to the Cryptosporidium parasites, cannot be contained within national borders. Trade between farms and breeding centres can be a vector for pathogens to spread far and wide. As farming practices vary in countries studied, it is vital to cross-reference the observations made within the various member states in order to propose properly adapted pilot farms for all production models. By restricting the study to the “2-Seas” zone, we can guarantee that factors, which differentiate the various farms solely by the breeding practices rather than, for example, differences in climate. The geographical proximity of breeders included in this project will also be of operational benefit when we co-develop new farming strategies. Finally, cross border partnership will also be an asset to disseminate results across the 2-Seas area.